
As immersive technology breaks physical boundaries, we have the opportunity to observe our precious planet in a more inclusive and considered way. We initially created these therapeutic experiences to be used in healthcare and we would now like to share them, encouraging the use of VR for all. Please be aware that experiences are developed for download and offline viewing only. Experiences range from 3 – 25 minutes so the file size can be large and may take time to download (depending on your network connection).

Want to test drive our content?   Click here to view a sample experience video.

Fact: “VR therapy helps shorten the length of treatment for anxiety, saving on time and valuable finances.”

Challenge the possible

From an authentic rickshaw journey through an ancient Vietnamese city to challenging the fear of heights whilst paragliding over sunset lit beaches our accessible 360 library of experiences fulfil the imagination and help overcome limitations from the comfort of home.


Enhance emotional well-being, reduce anxiety, and improve quality of life with Real-life VR experiences.


Improve skills, enhances empathy, and boosts confidence with real-life VR training scenarios.

Flix App

Elevate patient experience and streamline staff training with our user-friendly Flix application.