
At Flix we combine expertise in traditional film making with the vast potential of Virtual Reality (VR). From 360 interactive training to captivating virtual tours and life changing bucket list experiences, consumers are turning to us for virtual, immersive experiences at an unprecedented rate. We provide unique opportunities to accelerate your services adopting VR as a transformative method of media delivery.


Enhance emotional well-being, reduce anxiety, and improve quality of life with Real-life VR experiences.


Improve skills, enhances empathy, and boosts confidence with real-life VR training scenarios.

Flix App

Elevate patient experience and streamline staff training with our user-friendly Flix application.

Are you looking for VR to enhance your business or charity?

We are here to find the right fit for you and your organisation.  Whether you are a large corporation, small start up or charity, get in touch today and see how VR can work for you.