A whole new world of immersion

The rise of virtual reality technology recently has opened up a whole new world of digital content – media that can be enjoyed in a fully interactive 3D space using a virtual reality headset. Unlike conventional media, this allows users to feel entirely immersed in a simulated environment and isolated from their physical surroundings.

Types of VR headset

To deliver any type of VR experience you will need; a headset, an application and the 360° content. Flix currently use the VeeR app to deliver our content as they deliver the most versatile and efficient service. VeeR is currently only compatible with certain premium headsets, but we will advise you on this, providing solutions, as we go along.


Headsets that utilise your smart phone are the cheapest point of entry into the VR market.


Today’s wireless headsets feature zero delay technology but can be more expensive than their wired counterparts.


Wired headsets offer an immersive experience, albeit with a tethered connection to a processing unit.

VR from your smart phone

Initially the usage of smartphones to power your VR experience was something of a novelty, but as smartphones became more powerful the industry’s big players started to become interested and a whole new world of lightweight, simple to use VR was born.

Accessible and affordable smart VR for everyone


As the name would suggest, smartphone VR headsets make the use of your smartphone to provide a low-cost virtual reality experience.   To do so, you simply pop your phone into a compatible VR headset housing and away you go.   There are a number of high quality apps now available that make use of this ability, with many more in development, and they are now even able to make use of your camera to provide augmented reality VR experiences.

What smartphone VR lacks in power (and keep in mind as phones become more powerful, so will the VR experience) it more than makes up for with accessibility.  Some headsets are even made from foldable cardboard, meaning you can carry your VR solution with you at all times with the minimum of fuss.

Pros & Cons

+  Entry level VR at low cost
+  Instantly accessible wherever you are
+  Can utilise phone’s camera
–  Not as powerful as dedicated VR units
–  Can really drain your phone’s battery
–  Doesn’t have the sense of depth of typical VR

Suggested Headsets

Flix VR are market leaders in virtual reality training videos.

The future is wireless

Wireless virtual reality is insanely immersive in that it detaches you from the real world entirely.   This means you aren’t tied to a fixed area and you’ll never need to be concerned about stepping over, untangling, or even tripping on the cable. But it does have its limitations.

Look mum, no wires!


Wireless headsets will undoubtedly be the future of the industry.   At present there are many wireless VR offerings, but the majority come with integrated graphics processing units, meaning you are not utilising the graphics processing power of the PC or console you are connected to.  This is because you are limited to the data transfer speeds of current wireless protocols.

However, as these wireless protocols evolve, so will the headsets that utilise it and in the not so distant future it should be possible to wirelessly transfer video at 4K without a problem.  Currently, even 1080p wireless transmissions can be hit and miss, meaning wireless is still lagging behind its wired VR brother.

Pros & Cons

+  No physical limitations with regards to space
+  Greater immersion than typical wired headsets
–  Power limited to wireless data transfer protocols
–  Battery adds weight and a need to recharge
–  Typically more expensive than wired headsets

Suggested Headsets

Make your wildest bucket list experiences a reality with no risk attached

Wired Headsets

For now at least, wired headsets still offer the most immersive VR experience mainly due to wireless data transfer limitations of their wire-free competitors.  With wired VR your only real limitations are the power of your processing unit (CPU) and the tethering of your cable.

Why wired is still king.. for now


As the technology of computers and headsets evolves and becomes more powerful, the only real limitations of a wired headset are the tethering itself (including the quality of the data transfer cable) and the visual quality of your headset’s display.

The latest headsets offer exceptional viewing quality and can display at 1440p at 120Hz, with 4K displays promised in the near future and currently in development.  To put that in to context, that’s better than most people’s home computer monitors or TVs.

And it’s not like you can’t enhance your wired VR experience either. More powerful PCs and graphics cards, along with longer, active HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB 3.0 cables make it easier than ever to upgrade your virtual reality setup.

Pros & Cons

+  Power only limited to your processing unit
+ No heavy battery or need to recharge the headset
–  Tethered wire can sometimes interrupt experience
–  Distance from processor and turning circle limited

Suggested Headsets

Virtual reality can take you places from the comfort of your living room

Virtual reality apps

If you have VR headset and don’t know what to do next, the next step is often to download a VR app to display compatible content.   In many cases you are actually able to do this via a typical web browser, but in case you’re looking for something even more spectacular we’ve put together a handy compilation of apps that will make your VR experience as exciting and immersive as possible.