Police Training – Challenging Conversations, Racist Accusation

This scenario places the officer in a confrontational situation with two verbally abusive youths who circle you after the arrest of their friend. This scenario can be used to support learning and reflection about being in a confrontational situation where abusive language and verbal threat is combined with physically intimidating behaviours.

Did you know? VR training is proven to increase learning and retention by up to 75 percent.

Learning Outcomes

  • Increase your confidence in preparing for this type of situation.
  • Learn to identify and respond to aggressive behaviour.
  • Consider and reflect on your reactions.
  • What actions might be taken for a more positive outcome.
  • Evaluate your learning and define areas for further development.

“Flix are dynamic, creative, responsive, organised – and have given METRO a competitive edge at a crucial time”.

Dr Greg Ussher, CEO Metro Charity, Chair South East London Primary Care Joint Committee
“The end product made me cry – because it captured so beautifully the messages we wished to impart. Just beautiful in a pure and transparent way”.
Dawn Chaplin, Head of End of Life and Bereavement at UHB NHS

“The scenario’s are clinically credible and many identify directly with the interactions. Clear demonstration of skills help learners link theory to practice and increase the transfer of knowledge and expertise”.

Elaine Bramhall, Senior Trainer - Maguire Communication Skills Unit


Clapham Common

Clapham Common is a large triangular urban park in Clapham, south London, England. Originally common land for the parishes of Battersea and Clapham, it was converted to parkland under the terms of the Metropolitan Commons Act 1878. It is 220 acres of green space, with three ponds and a Victorian bandstand.

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